As a traveling nurse from the Bronx, Ebony Thyme has seen it all, including the massive sacrifice her fellow healthcare workers are making in the battle against the coronavirus. Below, Ebony offers a compassionate tribute to those who fight and those who fell:

As health care professionals, we are consistently putting our own lives at risk to take care of a complete stranger. We are leaving behind our families to go to work to fight this battle day by day. We are staying in hotels, RVs, tents in the back of their homes to avoid bringing this virus into our own homes. We know what’s going on – especially with the deaths of other health care professionals like ourselves due to lack of full adequate supplies & despite it all, we are finding ways to make ends work & praying to make it through another day.

Though we are frightened, nervous, damn near wondering if we have made the wrong decisions, we all realize that we are the healers of the world and we are trying our very best to make sure that we can try to save our world even at the forefront of our own lives. Let’s all come together to bring awareness to those who are at the frontline day in and day out, those healthcare professionals who contracted the virus, recovered & went back to work, & those of our fallen soldiers who fought a tough battle during this outbreak.