Sean is an Atlanta resident who recently shared his response to a news report of a healthcare worker who was found dead in her home. He says the article hit close to home because of his friends who are also healthcare professionals. He’s reminding his followers to thank essential workers in their communities and to also stay home during the pandemic. He writes:

“I am feeling extra thankful for my family and friend’s health and wellbeing, to which we have our essential workers to thank! It is so important to acknowledge their sacrifices during this time because it is their service that allows us to continue to have access to fresh food, transportation, HEALTHCARE and etc. they are putting themselves in harm’s way in order for the nation to continue to thrive. Just yesterday I read in an article that a healthcare worker in Georgia was found dead in her home, sick with COVID19, with her 4 year old child laying next to her body. This story hits home for me because I have a close friend who is a nurse and who also had the misfortune of contracting the virus. Luckily for her, she recovered but not everyone is as lucky.

Please remember to thank the essential workers in your community because they are our backbone right now and STAY HOME!”