Belle is a self-described classy RN from Louisiana, and she’s showing that class in her advocacy for essential workers. Belle knows firsthand that communities across the country are relying on the services provided by a broad variety of front line workers, and it’s up to congress to ensure those workers and those services can continue uninterrupted.
“As a Registered Nurse that fights daily to help patients and health care professional get access to life-changing medications, I know first hand the importance of having proper funding for our frontline workers (nurses, corrections officers, child care providers, EMTs, sanitation workers, school bus drivers, civil engineers, and more). We must hold our federal government accountable to step up and provide proper funding for the people dedicated to making our communities stronger, healthier, and safer. Without adequate funding, we run the risk of decreased healthcare accessibility, poor neighborhood upkeep, and many of the bare necessities due to budget cuts and layoffs. I encourage you to use your voice and use it wisely.”