His Twitter bio flashes credentials like “Mr. Olympia, Conan, Terminator” and touts achievements like killing the Predator. Now Arnold Schwarzenneger is telling us to thank the world’s real action heroes: medical personnel, first responders, and all of those who are selflessly exposing themselves to COVID-19 on a daily basis while they serve those in need.
He says:
“It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about in the medical community, if it’s the doctors or if it’s the nurses, the people that work in the hospitals, the ambulance drivers. Or if it’s the first responders or if it is the people who work in the grocery stores or the supermarkets that are serving people all the time and getting exposed. Or if it’s the people who are delivering food to homes where people are starving and need the food.
“All of those people are real heroes. I just want you to know that they are appreciated so much. I have played an action hero my whole life in the movies, but you are the true action heroes. Congratulations, and thank you for serving the community.”