“Know who the real heroes are? America’s first responders.” It’s a statement we’ve all heard in one form or another; a catchphrase that thrives in a country that prides itself on excellence. Heroes provide us with an ideal to strive towards, regardless of whether that ideal is truly unattainable.
So when we are blessed with a moment to recognize the awesome power of our country’s real heroes, we better not miss it. For lifestyle blogger Chantal Laneau, COVID-19 allows us that moment. She took to Instagram to define our first responders for the heroes they are, and remind her followers to do the same:
“‘Hero: an ordinary individual who finds the strength to endure and persevere in spite of overwhelming obstacles.’ – Unknown
This crisis has shown me what a hero truly looks like. This post is to highlight all of the healthcare workers and first responders who are putting in work to end this crisis as soon as possible. I see you and I think the world is finally seeing you. I want to thank my nursing team for holding each other up. One nurse I spoke with yesterday said, I could never forgive myself if I brought this home to my children”, but she still shows up and puts in 110%. We are all concerned, but we show up, we work hard, we support/pray for each other, we vent to each other and we care for our patients together. I love my Tele staff! You Rock!”