Meagan, an RN and a mom from South Carolina, is pausing from her busy schedule caring for her family and her patients to remember her colleagues in health care who have lost their lives to COVID-19. These workers, and all others making sacrifices on the frontlines, deserve the support and respect of our communities and our governments.
“As a frontline worker, coming to work knowing you are going to take care of a Covid + patient is one of the scariest moments I’ve ever been faced with. I cried for the patient having to be away from her brand new baby and loved ones while healing in isolation. I cried because I was scared for my own health and safety as well as that of my family. I cried for all other frontline workers who were without proper supplies and PPE.
As of today, the CDC reported 74,772 (this number has since changed) cases of healthcare workers diagnosed with Covid19 and of those 409 resulted in death. These heroes risked their lives to care for America’s sick and many lost their lives while doing so.
As the world starts to get back to normal and a sense of normalcy is replaced, please take the time to think about and honor the frontline workers that have succumbed to the virus.”