“Our community engagement ran deep…assisting Immigrants, Political Refugees and Asylum Seekers the World over (South America, Africa, Asia & Europe), former Criminal Justice involved citizens, Veterans, DV Survivors, the LGBTQX Community, Long-Term Unemployed and many more, and ALL some of the most AMAZING PEOPLE I have ever had the opportunity to meet and loyally serve throughout my entire life. I saw first hand individuals in the depths of despair, without (what they believed) a single hope in the world, entirely transforming their life and the lives of their family members…

One Truth I have learned over the last 2 decades is this: Everyone wants to do well for themselves and their families…

No Citizen has to take a crappy job that will potentially prevent them from realizing the…American Ideals, and this is why Unions are just as important, if not more so, now than as at any point in the last century of our Country.”
